Is it Lendin or London? For Samuel, hearing Mrs Ampofo say “Lendin” seemed like a crime against the English language and he could not let it go unpunished.
Why is Samuel so enraged 😠you might ask? Because the name of the only home he has ever known is being abused by a teacher that seems to hate him. Nothing seems to make sense but the one thing he DOES know is that “it’s not Lendin, it’s LONDON! ”
Episode 2 of DEM TIMES explores Samuels's first week in Onuakrom Academy and for Samuel, it still feels like an unending nightmare. Samuel hates it. And why wouldn’t he? He was an outcast, the ‘mug’ who just couldn’t stop embarrassing himself. He is the source of all the gossip and can’t seem to find his footing, he just wants to go back to his precious LONDON.
We are introduced to new characters in this episode, some that we love and others we love to hate. Efua we remember as the eager beaver who just wants everyone to like her, Derrick, the most popular boy in school who seems to have a soft spot for underdogs, Nii, the charmingly peculiar boy who is desperate to make friends by any means necessary and finally Belinda and Tiwa, the “mean girls.” Tiwa is the no-nonsense serious student who tends to put on a tough exterior and Belinda is the girl who is more concerned about winning the talent show rather than sitting in literature class.
We can’t help but hope things get better for Samuel, but if you haven’t checked it out already, go and listen to episode 2 on youtube or here.